Certax Accounting (St Albans District) Ltd

About us

About Certax

At Certax, we are more than just accountants and advisors; we are pioneers in property accounting and tax/business advisory services. We pride ourselves on going beyond the standard fiscal responsibilities to truly understand and enhance every aspect of your business. Our firm, rooted in deep personal experiences and a determination to overcome adversity, is driven by a passion to empower your financial success. This isn’t just our profession—it’s our calling.

We could bore you about our qualifications and our accreditations, about our expert knowledge and our specialisms…but we won’t. What we want to focus on is the benefits for you because that’s all that matters.

Personalised Attention

You are not just another account number in our books. We believe in the power of understanding, which is why we spend a lot of time with our clients to get to know them personally – their business, their needs, and their challenges.

Expertise at every level

With Certax, the worry of being handed off to an inexperience junior is non-existent. We have a deep understanding of accounting, property, and tax. This means you will always receive, informed, competent advice and service guaranteed.


Integrity is the core of what we do. We can ensure you your financial affairs are always in trustworthy hands so you can have peace of mind knowing that your finances are managed with honesty and professionalism.

what's in it for you?

Choosing Certax means choosing a firm committed to transforming your business and personal wealth. Our unique approach blends personalised attention with unparalleled expertise in accounting, property, and tax planning to ensure your financial strategies are as ambitious as they are secure. We promise not just to meet, but exceed your expectations by unlocking potential and maximising efficiency in ways you never imagined possible. With Certax, your financial future isn’t just bright; it’s bespoke.

Our key promises to you


Transform Your Business: First and foremost, we will help you move your business from being a job with an uncertain pay check each month to a business where you get paid regardless of the hours you personally put in.


Boost Your Cash Flow: Follow our strategic advice, and within just three months, we promise to increase your cash flow without the need for additional work on your part.


Accessible Expertise: Whenever needed, we will always be at the end of the phone and the clock won’t be ticking. We much prefer to give you peace of mind rather than earning an extra pound or two.


Tax Efficiency Savings: Our in-depth knowledge of tax regulations will save you at least your annual fees each year. (And often it is much more…)


Join Our Family: Becoming our client means more than just business; you join our family-orientated culture. This means we’ll do everything in our power to help guide you and your business to a better future, the future that you’ve always wanted.

Meet the Team

Meet Zee Razaq

ACMA/CGMA, Managing Director

Read any accountancy firm website and you will read the words, “we are not your normal accountant”. With me, Zee, that’s actually true.

Growing up as a second generational Pakistani in the UK, I know exactly what it is like to have the odds stacked against you. When my father died, it became my responsibility to look after my mother and 4 sisters. That meant, instead of starting my own business in my early 20s, I qualified as an accountant and went to work with big household brands such as Mothercare and Santander. After all, paying for my younger sisters to get married (as is the custom in my community) is an expensive undertaking!

I’ve always had a passion to grow a business which becomes bigger than me, something which will help me provide for my growing family now and for generations to come. This is still a fire that burns within me too and that’s why I want to help others to do the same. I was written off at school by the majority of my teachers and told “I would never amount to anything” so this is where my drive comes from: I am determined that my children have a different start in life to me.

Despite what my academic record at school may have said, I have always had a thirst for knowledge – and then how to use this knowledge. This thirst is now being quenched by my own personal journey into the property world. I am always spending an hour or two here identifying how to leverage my own money to grow a property portfolio. I then use what I have learnt with my own property business to help my clients grow a business and property portfolio.

As my clients will testify, when it comes to property and tax, I am a mine of information. Not only can I make what seems like a very dry subject actually interesting, but you’ll have difficulty shutting me up when I get passionate talking about your business and what can be done to make it better. For a number of my clients, I act as a Finance Director (i.e. high-level business advisor). If this becomes you, you can rest easy that the team and I are supporting you to achieve your lifestyle and financial goals.

Meet the Team

Meet the rest of the team

Yasmin F.

Operations Director

Annabelle B.

Assistant Accountant

Mia S.

Business Administrator

Alfie W.

Digital Marketing Assistant

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