Certax Accounting (St Albans District) Ltd


How much would you pay to get the future you want?

We’d say it’s pretty priceless.

We recognize that every business owner, every landlord, and every portfolio is unique. That’s why our services are tailored specifically to you. Our commitment is to collaborate closely with you to shape your business and future exactly as you envision. Contact us to discuss how we can customize our packages to deliver the exceptional value you deserve.

“Boost your property potential” Consultation

To help you get to the future that you want, we offer an invaluable 60-minute session to kickstart your journey to the top.


Benefits include:

A Tailored Strategy: to help you maximise your wealth and value of your property profile.

Answers To Your Specific Tax Questions: such as ‘should we put our property purchases through a limited company?’ and ‘will an SPV help me?’

Actionable Take-Aways: you’ll receive a full report of what was discussed with detailed actions to help achieve your financial goals with your property portfolio.

what else is guaranteed?


Tailored Tax Advice: Tailored tax advice to your personal circumstances and you can take the report to your own accountant for them to implement.


Value Assurance: If we don’t help you at least make more than what you spend on this session, we will give you your money back.


Implementation Support: All the tax strategies we recommend we can either implement through us or our trusted network.


Ethical Standards: All our recommendations are completely legal and ethical.


Custom Quotes: We give you a bespoke custom quote after having a consultation to understand your needs.

Typical tax strategies discussed:

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