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Property Question Time season 4 episode 62 with Zee Razaq & John Howard

This episode of Property Question Time features John Howard alongside our MD Zee Razaq!

One of the questions in this episode was whether or not Green Belt should be removed. A bold statement to make, especially at a time where the environment is a hotly discussed topic. John and Zee share their thoughts, and cover a number of other questions.

The four topics covered in this episode are:

01:09 – Time to end Greenbelt?

09:17 – Reclaiming VAT on expenses paid for a HMO?

13:30 – Should councils handle housing directly?

19:59 – Should I be getting fees when Living abroad?

For those unaware, Property Question Time is a show on Sky Property TV. It involves a panel of experts who get together to answer property related questions from the public.

It’s a fantastic program as it allows for you to get advice from leading experts in various fields, such as John Howard, who is a renowned property investor, developer and TV personality. Zee, our MD, also makes regular appearances and is an expert in Property taxation, accounting and SSAS pensions. There’s always a huge amount of value – and not to mention some really interesting debates.

If you would like to submit a question of your own, you can do so here: Property Question Time | Property TV

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